Our Lady in Scripture

Biblical Teachings and Themes on Mary Mother of Jesus

James Tibbetts
Fr. Rene Laurentin

(First edition, 1998, not yet back in print)
(This book reworked, became the book on: – Biblical Titles of Mary Mother of Jesus A Month of Scriptural Meditations – A Biblical Ballad of Mary Mother of Jesus – Order of Eden Franciscans Biblical Titles of Mary Mother of Jesus Rule of Life All three are in print, as cited, above.)

Table of Contents

⦁ Mary’s Immaculate Conception
⦁ Mary the New Eve
⦁ Mary the Ark of the Covenant
⦁ Mary the Daughter of Zion
⦁ Mary the Lady of Wisdom
⦁ Mary the Mother of Israel
⦁ Mary the Revelation of Sinai
⦁ Mary the Jerusalem Mother
⦁ Mary the Wife of Joseph
⦁ Mary the Perfect Wife
⦁ Mary the Jewish Heroine
⦁ Mary the Sanctified One
⦁ Our Lady’s Annunciation Mary’s Birth of the Word
⦁ Our Lady’s Visitation Mary the Model of Virtue
⦁ Our Lady’s Nativity Mary the Virgin Mother
⦁ Our Lady’s Presentation Mary’s Service in the Temple
⦁ Our Lady’s Finding in the Temple Mary the Earthly Mother
⦁ Our Lady’s Cross Mary’s Hidden Cross
⦁ Our Lady’s Pentecost Mary the Charismatic
⦁ Our Lady’s Assumption Mary the Incorruptible
⦁ Our Lady’s Apostolic Fathers Mary and the Holy Spirit in Patristics
⦁ Our Lady’s Communion Mary’s Presence
⦁ Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Mary’s Admirable Heart
⦁ Our Lady’s Intercession Mary the Ecumenical Mother
⦁ Our Lady the Queen Mother Mary the Queen of Purgatory
⦁ Our Lady’s Apparitions Mary the Queen of Peace
⦁ Our Lady of Meditation Mary’s Rosary
⦁ Our Lady’s Consecration Mary’s Consecration
⦁ Our Lady’s Eucharistic Jesus Mary and the Mass
⦁ Our Lady’s Litany Mary’s Salutation

Quotes for the Book: Our Lady in Scripture
Biblical Teachings and Themes on Mary Mother of Jesus

Ave Maria Gratia Plena!
Vatican City, July 11th 1987
Dear Jim Tibbetts,

“I read with pleasure your book: OUR LADY IN SCRIPTURE. I congratulate you on the richness of the topics concerning the principal argument: Our Lady in Scripture. May the light of divine truth, irradiating from the Holy Scripture, illuminate the minds and inflame the hearts of the Catholic people, and also of the members of the Orthodox Churches and of the Christian Confessions.”

Mario Luigi Cardinal Ciappi O.P.
Papal Theologian

“After all this time I̓’ve finally gotten around to reading Our Lady in Scripture. I was so impressed with the scholarship. It seems a book like you might be the fruit of a long life of study of the Bible and prayer.”

The Most Reverend Albert H. Ottenweller
Bishop of Steubenville

“James J. Tibbetts, who was a student in the IMRI of the Marian Library where I teach every year, gives here the result of his biblical meditation and of his fervor for Our Lady, her presence, her apparitions. It̓ is a Biblical Rosary in counterpoint of the past, present and (let us hope) future life with us and the Mother of the Lord.”
Canon Fr. Rene Laurentin
Eminent French Mariologist

“The author’s love and devotion to our Blessed Mother resounds throughout the text. May this work help all Christians to discover ‘Our Common Mother,’ who is likewise the Queen of Peace seeking to assist our contemporary peace-less age.”

Dr. Mark Miravalle, S.T.D., Theology Department Franciscan Univ. of Steubenville

“A Store House of Treasures old and new – scriptures and insights of past and present understanding and love of Mary.”

Fr. George Kosicki C.S.B.
Marian Author, Divine Mercy Devotion Expert

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